Dust off those wheels and tune 'er up! When trails dry out sufficiently, usually by mid-May, Leominster State Forest offers some of the best mountain biking around, within an easy day trip of Metro Boston. Click here to see a trail map. For general information on trails on central/western Massachusetts accessible lands, plus conditions and opening dates and ways to volunteer and contribute, contact The Trustees of Reservations, Doyle Community Park Center, 464 Abbott Ave., Leominster, MA 01453; phone: 978-840-4446.
Other Trustees of Reservations properties that allow mountain biking include Brooks Woodland, with 693 acres and 13.5 miles of trails at East St. and Quaker Dr, Petersham; North Common Meadow, with 25 acres and a half-mile trail at 22 North main St & 27 East St, Petersham; and Tully River Campground with 31 acres and 22 miles of trails at 25 Doane Hill Rd, Royalston, 978-840-4446. You can also bike some of the trails at Willard Brook State Forest. Rt 119. Townsend, MA. 978-597-8802; and Pearl Hill State Park, New Fitchburg Rd. West Townsend, MA. 978-597-8802.
When you're on the trail, Tweet your photos and reports to @DayTripperDiva to win biking gear! The Johnny Appleseed Visitors' Center would also like to see your photos and videos of biking in North Central Mass; post on Facebook page or upload to their website.