Sunday, July 09, 2006

Experience the Art of Crafts

What do measuring tapes, pine needles and pencil stubs have in common? They are all materials used to create unique baskets and vessels in the basket [r]evolution exhibition at the Fuller Craft Museum. This unique and delightful out-of-the-way museum in Brockton has something for everyone, and where you can even touch some of the exhibits. Knowledgeable staff seem to be everywhere; on a reader's recent visit, a painter on a ladder even called down with her own insight on the exhibit - a sure sign of that there's something very cool inside!

Now on Exhibit at the Fuller Craft Musum:

  • basket [r]evolution - to 9/10
  • Daniel Clayman: Line, Form, Shadow - to 10/1
  • Linda Behar: The Elemental Stitch: Photorealism in Thread - to 10/22
  • Randal Thurston: Wunderkammern - to 10/22
  • The Scale of Things to Come - to 11/19
