Thursday, June 07, 2007

Zoo Tomorrow, Zoo Tomorrow

Mama's taking us to the zoo tomorrow - only which one? Local parents report that the Franklin Park Zoo's new gorilla exhibit is great, although you can get so close to the gorillas that it might be scary for little ones - "my 2 year old liked it from a distance," said Dispatches reader Claire Grimble. Folks who recently visited the Providence Zoo (about 1 hour from Arlington) note that the new baby giraffe is a huge hit. The Day Tripper Divas would like to throw in a plug for the less-visited Stone Zoo, if folks haven't been there recently. It's small but they've done a lovely job of fixing it up, and there are lots of informative little nuggets and byways. Southwick's "Zoo" in Mendon may be worth a trip especially for little kids, though some adults find it "dreary." My daughter still talks about her camel ride at Southwick's. So go to the zoo...and you can stay all day!
