Sometimes, you never know where a day trip's going to take you. My son and I stumbled upon the Home Show at Boston's Seaport World Trade Center the other day, and ended up spending an absolutely sublime afternoon, four straight hours of wandering up to friendly vendors desperate for human contact (the convention center was nearly deserted) and happy to answer in endless detail my son's hilarious questions about how boiler condensors are engineered, and happy to listen to his stories about Zammy, our darling dog. And then it was topped off by winning a gadget (A Handy Dandy Super Sized Space Saving Space Saver Storage Bag!) at Dr. Gadget’s presentation and crowned with a cup of clam chowder on a table of crystal and china at Anthony’s Pier Four. The most amazing day trips can start out as accidents like this one. We’d go again if we could (still pining for a Miracle Mop, or maybe an Easy! Fast! Simple! You Saw It On TV! Sushi Maker!). Contributed by Robin Schoenthaler , Day Tripper Diva extraordinaire and co-author of The Compleat Day Tripper: Metro Boston Edition