Sunday, August 05, 2007

Take a Nice Jaunt to Nahant!

We've had a lot of fun taking our kids to Long Beach, Nahant Because our 2-year-old can generally only handle a couple of hours at the beach, we found the parking prices on the North Shore a bit prohibitive. The great advantage of Nahant is that there's loads of parking (1300 spaces!), it only costs $3 per car during the day and !bonus! it's free after about 4.30pm. So it's perfectly suited to a quick visit. The parking is very close to the beach too. We're often parked only 30 yards from where we sit, which makes exits nice and speedy. The beach is a relatively short drive from Cambridge/Somerville (map) and is sandy and quite shallow and good for kids. As the name suggests, it is very long, so is much less crowded than Walden Pond or the closer North Shore beaches. Plus, there's a Dunkin Donuts at the entrance to the car park -- great for a parental iced coffee or bagel snack for the kids. - Thanks to Serena Hildenbrand, Somerville, for this beach tip!
