From eclectic grown-up entertainments to kid-pleasing classics, the DayTripper Dispatches offer family-friendly day trips for families, vacationers, and travelers to Greater Boston and eastern Massachusetts. The Dispatches are a perfect complement to our wildly popular DayTripper print books, e-books, and GPS editions.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
DayTripping from Farm to Factory

Monday, February 23, 2009
Secret Spots and Favorite Places

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Political Places of Boston - Downtown Walking Tour

by Muddy River Press
Many of the places covered in the guidebook Political Places of Boston are located downtown or in adjacent neighborhoods. Walking is a wonderful to visit these places. This guidebook complements the other walking tours of Boston such as the popular Freedom Trail. However, if you limit yourself to the Freedom Trail, you will miss several, important, downtown political sites. Click here for a fascinating, in-depth tour that brings you back to where you began. Take the book with you for a complete experience.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wilderness Rafting Trips & Jobs

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Passport to Science
Association of Science & Technology Centers - Passport Program
You can visit nearly 300 renowned science centers or museums in countries like Italy, Sweden, Beijing, or Capetown—for free! First, join your local participating science center or museum (like Museum of Science, Discovery, or HMNH). Then check the ASTC Passport Program list to find other participating museums where you will be traveling. There are now 290 affiliated museums and science centers in over a dozen countries around the world.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
CraftBoston Is Back!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
First Maple Sugaring!
- EVENT: Maple Sugaring at Land's Sake Farm
- DATE: Saturday, February 7th, 2009
- TIME: 10am-1pm
- LOCATION: Meet at the parking lot of First Parish Church (349 Boston Post Rd.)
- DETAILS: Kick off the maple sugaring season by helping tap approximately 200 maple trees around Weston. Land's Sake staff will provide a tapping demonstration and participants will be divided into groups and assigned to various locations across town. After the event, convene at the Bill McElwain Sugar House for some hot cocoa and cookies! Land's Sake is limiting this event to 50 people, so RSVP is required.
- REQUESTS: Land's Sake will provide most of the supplies, however, participants are encouraged to bring their own power drill and a 5/16" drill bit, if availalbe. This will allow for more people to be tapping at the same time. Please be on time, as groups will disperse to various locations.
- RSVP: Dave Quinn; (781) 893-1162; dave@landssake.org.
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