From eclectic grown-up entertainments to kid-pleasing classics, the DayTripper Dispatches offer family-friendly day trips for families, vacationers, and travelers to Greater Boston and eastern Massachusetts. The Dispatches are a perfect complement to our wildly popular DayTripper print books, e-books, and GPS editions.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Ah, Ipswich!

family activities,
outdoor activities
Monday, May 12, 2008
Joyriding with Bikes, Not Bombs
Bike-A-Thon & Festival June 8
Get in shape for BNB’s June 8 Bike-A-Thon and summer biking! Both routes start at the same place and time on the two days, then go their separate ways. Meet at the BNB HUB: 284 Amory St. Jamaica Plain - in the Brewery Complex by Ula Cafe, at 10 AM and look for the crowd out in front with the bikes. Bring your own snacks, water, and helmet (required). Join these joyrides free of charge, but they'll pass the BNB freewill donation helmet.
- FAMILY RIDE: This ride stays in parks as much as possible, returning to the start location. We take an easy pace to make it nice and fun for all involved. Trailers and trail-a-bikes are certainly welcome, as are young and/or inexperienced riders. Short miles, good company! We're gradually increasing towards the goal of 15 miles, which is the length of the Bike-A-Thon's shortest ride and the one which draws the most families. Contact ride leader David (parent of two youngsters under 10 who've completed multiple Bike-A-Thons) at dweinstein@boston.k12.ma.us for more information.
- DISTANCE RIDE: As the weeks roll on, these rides will build up the miles progressively - with eyes trained on the 62-mile route! Pace will be moderate and will adjust to the riders. For May 17th we'll be getting up just over 50 miles, but we hope to include an option for a group to break off and have a ride in the 30-some mile range. Contact Esther at ecervantes@abml.org or 617-983-3665 for more information on routes or to get in on the email group.
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