"We hope all DayTrippers are able to enjoy this holiday season despite the painful economy. Try to remember that all bad things do come to an end and that lazertag is a great way to clear your mind. Be safe & have a great couple of weeks! DayTripper subscribers, purchase $25, get $5 FREE! Purchase $50, get $15 FREE! Purchase $75, get $25 FREE! Mention the DayTripper Dispatches when you call (508) 303-9900 to order over the phone or stop by the store. We will be open from 9:30am-4pm on Monday 12/22 for Gift Certificate sales only!" - From Steve & Michael at LazerZone
From eclectic grown-up entertainments to kid-pleasing classics, the DayTripper Dispatches offer family-friendly day trips for families, vacationers, and travelers to Greater Boston and eastern Massachusetts. The Dispatches are a perfect complement to our wildly popular DayTripper print books, e-books, and GPS editions.
Friday, December 12, 2008
LazerZone Exclusive Offer
"We hope all DayTrippers are able to enjoy this holiday season despite the painful economy. Try to remember that all bad things do come to an end and that lazertag is a great way to clear your mind. Be safe & have a great couple of weeks! DayTripper subscribers, purchase $25, get $5 FREE! Purchase $50, get $15 FREE! Purchase $75, get $25 FREE! Mention the DayTripper Dispatches when you call (508) 303-9900 to order over the phone or stop by the store. We will be open from 9:30am-4pm on Monday 12/22 for Gift Certificate sales only!" - From Steve & Michael at LazerZone
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Welcome, Earthlings!
Star Log, Nov. 26: The DayTripper Divas beamed down to one of our favorite rainy-day spots, LazerZone on Route 20 in Marlboro just before Thanksgiving. It was early afternoon, just before the teen crowd started rolling in, but we had a nice visit with owner Steve Taylor and his attentive staff. Under the watchful eye of LazerZone's alien mascot, we tried the arcade games, peeked in on a rousing game of lasertag, and sent our 8-year-old into the huge split-level playground. Steve even gave us a sneak peek at the new karaoke room, and noted that the dining hall converts into a "bungee wall" which was a new concept to us! View the evidence, below:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Schooner Sailing in Gloucester

Saturday, November 08, 2008
Battleship Cove, Part I

Admission to the exhibit is a very reasonable $14 (and you can get a $1 off coupon on the website). There are no guided tours, but there are plenty of signs and labels that give some fascinating information about life aboard ship while visitors explore at their own pace.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Kids' Cross Country Ski Team

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's New! It's Different! It's Healthy!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Carol's Blogging!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Nature Walk Second to None

So head on over for a nature walk second to none - and a great view of downtown Boston. You will come to love and appreciate the woods like the early settlers and citizens who wisely preserved it for future generations. For more information on events in Lynn Woods, contact the Ranger at 781-477-7123 - and send some photos to the DayTripper Divas' photo contest!
- by Laurel Collins
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Bedford Bound!

Our first stop was the National Park Service's visitor center, where we grabbed a map of the area and directions to our two planned destinations. First was the Seamen's Bethel, a small chapel for whaling crews, where the pulpit is in the shape of the bow of a ship (that was also featured in the movie of Moby Dick).
Our next stop was New Bedford Whaling Museum where we spent nearly two hours wandering the halls learning about the local New Bedford glass industry as well as distant whaling adventures that the area is known for.
After the whaling museum, we decided to make the 10-minute walk to the Rotch Jones Duff House & Garden Museum to see a 19th century sea captain's manse as well as the nicely maintained garden, renting the recorded headsets for a self-guided tour, which added to the value of the trip.
Despite adding on the Duff House, there were many more spots in New Bedford area we wanted to check out. We shall return!
-by Caroline Ronten, DayTripper Sales & Marketing Diva
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Save the Date for Ed-Ventures on Sept. 19-21

Friday, July 04, 2008
Paddle One, Paddle All!

Hopkinton State Park (Hopkinton, MA) Thursdays 10 AM- 4 PM: July 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7, 14, 21 (Rain date August 28).
Spot Pond (Stoneham, MA) Fridays 10 AM - 4 PM: July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22. (Rain date August 29).
(Note: The Hopkinton sessions can get a bit crowded, but the Spot Pond programs usually have plenty of room.)
Each session will consist of 20 to 30-minute guided kayak tours. A certified adaptive paddling instructor and lifeguard will join the participants on the water.
Fee is $5 per participant and free for one guest. There will be an $8 fee for each additional guest that wants to participate. This program is subsidized by DCR, EMS and ORH. Please call the EMS Kayak School at 401-762-8585 to make a reservation.
For other accessible DCR summer activities & events, click here.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Map Your Workout

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Springs Brook Swim Area - Bedford

Friday, May 23, 2008
Ah, Ipswich!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Joyriding with Bikes, Not Bombs
- FAMILY RIDE: This ride stays in parks as much as possible, returning to the start location. We take an easy pace to make it nice and fun for all involved. Trailers and trail-a-bikes are certainly welcome, as are young and/or inexperienced riders. Short miles, good company! We're gradually increasing towards the goal of 15 miles, which is the length of the Bike-A-Thon's shortest ride and the one which draws the most families. Contact ride leader David (parent of two youngsters under 10 who've completed multiple Bike-A-Thons) at dweinstein@boston.k12.ma.us for more information.
- DISTANCE RIDE: As the weeks roll on, these rides will build up the miles progressively - with eyes trained on the 62-mile route! Pace will be moderate and will adjust to the riders. For May 17th we'll be getting up just over 50 miles, but we hope to include an option for a group to break off and have a ride in the 30-some mile range. Contact Esther at ecervantes@abml.org or 617-983-3665 for more information on routes or to get in on the email group.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Home, Sweet Sonos!
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