Capen Spray Park in Medford is a great place for splishing & splashing during the dog days of summer! Button-controlled sprinklers delighted Dispatches correspondent Crispin Olson's 4-year-old son, who went there with his preschool class. Google Earth to 133 Capen St., behind the old water works next to the Route 16/Mystic Parkway rotary. Resident parking only on Stoughton Street off Boston Ave.
From eclectic grown-up entertainments to kid-pleasing classics, the DayTripper Dispatches offer family-friendly day trips for families, vacationers, and travelers to Greater Boston and eastern Massachusetts. The Dispatches are a perfect complement to our wildly popular DayTripper print books, e-books, and GPS editions.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
$1 off at The Book Rack!
The Book Rack is proud to be Arlington's community bookseller and a premier sponsor of the Dispatches. Print this item and bring it in for $1 off any purchase! - Contact Mike Buglio, 13 Medford St., Arlington; (781) 646-2665.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Green Meadows Farm

Green Meadows Farm is a certified organic farm raising vegetables, fruits and heritage breeds of livestock in Hamilton, Massachusetts. the Farmstand offers seasonal vegetables plus a variety of natural and organic dry goods, artesian cheeses, hormone-free meats and handmade gifts, and you can sign up for next year's .
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Care for Some Nettle Tea, My Dear?
Care for some Stinging Nettle tea with your Milkweed muffins? Russ Cohen, noted local environmentalist, author, and wild foods enthusiast who was recently featured on NPR's Here and Now, will be leading several wild foods foraging walks in Eastern Massachusetts this summer. These walks are recommended for adults and older children; call ahead for wheelchair and stroller accessibility; some require pre-registration (see website)
ordinary magic,
outdoor activities,
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Experience the Art of Crafts

Now on Exhibit at the Fuller Craft Musum:
- basket [r]evolution - to 9/10
- Daniel Clayman: Line, Form, Shadow - to 10/1
- Linda Behar: The Elemental Stitch: Photorealism in Thread - to 10/22
- Randal Thurston: Wunderkammern - to 10/22
- The Scale of Things to Come - to 11/19
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Wonderful Waterfall

To get there, go to the Steep Falls rest area on the Saco River and take the path from the right side of the road (the other side from the main parking area) and walk 1/3 mile past the first small swimming areas all the way to the falls.
There are several sandy swimming beaches, and if no one is there, you can sit on a rock on top of the waterfall and dip your feet in the rapids. This waterfall is only 6 feet high (maybe even less now, the water level is high) but it's 75 feet wide and and makes great rapids. There are half a dozen small somewhat protected beaches, the water there should be quiet enough for kids to swim*, said Tracy.
Maine swimming holes
Massachusetts swimming holes
* On all day trips and particularly around rivers and water, please use good personal judgement and exercise caution, as conditions can change.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Take a Turn Around the Revolving Museum

Don't Strike a Match Here!

exclusive coupons,
family activities,
wacky magic
Free Computer Consult for Dispatches Readers
- Get the Computer Handyman - FREE! Refer to the Day Tripper Dispatches when you call for a free consult from Metro West Boston's favorite onsite computer-repair hero, Mark Bildman. This offer is good through May 31. For details, call Mark at (617) 596-7545 or email.
All Aboard for Trains!

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